Parkinson Disease
One Day in Parkinsons Life

Michael Baron

Michael Baron

About Me

My brain is like a hungry animal. It always wants to be fed.

IT specialist

With my in-depth IT knowledge, I can tackle technical challenges directly and develop innovative solutions to drive digital progress.

Strategic Software Buyer

My experience as a strategic software buyer enables me to develop effective procurement strategies that efficiently harmonise quality, costs and time.


My background in media design allows me to create aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly digital products that appeal to customers.

Business economist

My business management training enables me to make business decisions that are both technically sound and economically viable.


As a photographer, I understand the power of visual communication and can use this knowledge to create compelling and memorable digital content.

Data analyst

My skills in data analysis enable me to derive valuable insights from complex data sets and make data-driven decisions.


As an author, I get to the heart of ideas and thoughts with precision and empathy. My ability to convey complex topics in an understandable way enables me to create in-depth and engaging content that inspires and informs people.


My creative streak as an artist allows me to create innovative and unique works that evoke emotions and open up new perspectives. Through my diverse design skills, I bring creative solutions to the world of digital and analogue art.
Parkinson Disease
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